COVID19 Vaccine Update

Plans for increasing distribution of the COVID19 vaccine are rapidly evolving.

While getting the vaccine is a very personal decision, I would encourage the vast majority of you to get it. Those who are high risk for COVID19 complications (more than half the population) and those who are regularly exposed to anyone in this high risk category should especially consider getting the vaccine. The only group of people who are recommended to perhaps not to get the vaccine are those who have experienced severe vaccine-related reactions in the past.

Last week at our monthly Zoom office hours, I talked about the two vaccines and my thoughts on them. You can access the recording of that meeting here to have many of your questions anwered!

Where and When to get the Vaccine!
It looks like starting January 19th we will be able to start making appointments for the COVID vaccine at OhioHealth vaccine clinics. Starting Tuesday, January 19, those 80 years and older, will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Each week following, the eligibility age increases by five years:
January 25: age 75 and older, and those with specific high-risk conditions
February 1: age 70 and older and school personnel
February 8: age 65 and older.

COVID-19 vaccines will also be offered through other healthcare system clinics, in the local health departments' vaccine clinics and likely in pharmacies too. Those individuals haven't released their plans quite yet - or at least not to me.

Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Vaccine info is located here including links to local health department information and CDC vaccine-related information.

Columbus Health Department COVID-19 and Vaccine information is located here including links to other local health departments if you fall outside of the Columbus area.

Keep Getting These Emails
Make sure to add to your email contacts list to make sure you continue to receive our weekly emails as we will continue to send updates. Keep in mind this email is not monitored for patient questions.

Next week, we will be accepting requests to make COVID-19 vaccine appointments. Please look for our email on Monday January 18th with instructions on the best way to get signed up for the vaccine!

Invite Friends and Family to Get These Updates
If you would like me to update friends and family who aren't current patients, feel free to send this link to them and we will include them in future updates: (The first email will be the COVID19 Tip Sheet.)

How to Make Sure your COVID Vaccine is the Safest and Most Comfortable Possible
When the time comes, keep these things in mind.
The day of:
-Hydrate and eat before you go
-Relax before and after receiving the vaccine. Deep breaths!
-Be monitored afterwards for a full 30 minutes (even if you are told 15!)
-Be proud of yourself! : )
-Continue to hydrate, move your body that day to get blood pumping, sleep well.
-Use tylenol as needed for soreness, but not necessarily as prevention.

The most common normal effects of the immune response are fatigue, soreness in the injection muscle, headache and a low grade fever. Most are very mild and prevented by taking good care of yourself. Rest assured that these are signs that your body is creating an immune response that will be helpful for you in the future.

You'll do great! I'll be back in touch soon!

Dr. Paige