COVID19 Vaccine Update 2.0

COVID vaccines will be offered via OhioHealth vaccine clinics and Ohio Department of Health local health department clinics. In addition, other hospital systems and likely private pharmacies will offer vaccines, but those details have not been widely communicated.

Everyone's plans are quickly evolving, so I will keep you up to date as I receive information. Below is more information related to OhioHealth's efforts and the Health Departments' efforts as reported to me.

An appointment is required. Patients are encouraged to self-schedule via their MyChart account with OhioHealth. You will receive a notification when you are eligible. You may also call (614) 533.6999 Monday-Friday 8am-4pm to schedule vaccine appointments.

Monday, Feb. 1: patients 70 and older become eligible. Teachers will start to be offered the vaccine via their employers.
Monday, Feb. 8: patients 65 and older become eligible
Monday, Feb 15th: patient with chronic medical conditions become eligible.

Learn the latest about OhioHelath vaccination efforts on their web site:

**In order to use OhioHealth's online scheduling option, you need a MyChart account with their system: For those who don't have MyChart access, we encourage you to create your accounts now. You can access you MyChart account at or the OhioHealth app. You can add a proxy to their account – a trusted caregiver or loved one. Patients will receive instructions on how to do this. Remember, this is an OhioHealth-based system and has no relation to your communication methods with our office.

Columbus Health Department COVID-19 and Vaccine information is located here including links to other local health departments if you fall outside of the Columbus area.
Franklin County Public Health Department information can be found here.
Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Vaccine info is located here including links to local health department information and CDC vaccine-related information for those outside the Columbus/Franklin County area.

Before you go: Review the tips on making the vaccine the safest and most comfortable possible here.