new year

Hello 2023!

What’s the most common phrase you hear this time of year? New Year, New You. Well, I say zip it with the New Year New You… Hear me out! Rather than jump right into New Year New Me, let's pause this time of year. Let's take a minute to intentionally think back on the last year (or even just days/months/weeks!). 


What went WELL for you? What fired you up? What excites you? 


Don't just think about nutrition and fitness though - think about every area of Whole Health. Yes some Physical Health components - nutrition, fitness, sleep, supplementation, but also think about Emotional Health, Mental Health, Relationships, Finances, Your physical environment.  


And PS - I am typically a BIG New Year's Resolution person, so it's hard for me to put the brakes on to do this step, but let's do it!


If you would like to work through this process in more detail within a worksheet that I put together, click here to access it within our free online community, Signature Health Club.


Okay so now that you have a list of kudos, what GENERAL area would you like to work on? Let's ease into our intentions for next year. Again, Physical health, Emotional Health, Mental Health, Finances, Relationships, Physical Environment...what are you excited about improving and WHY?


Lastly, what's your first Messy Microchange of 2023?


You know how your brain tells you all the BIG things you want to do in 2023? That's great.  I LOVE dreaming big. We deserve to optimize every area of our health and happiness - not just be okay.


HOWEVAH...those big dreams can't happen in grand overhauls. I would be so much more glamorous and shiny. Nope that is not the way life works (fortunately or unfortunately) however you decide to look at it.


Life changes happen in small layered steps with a lot of rerouting and getting up. I like to think of them as messy microchanges? What is ONE SMALL thing that you can start with?  One thing that seems so simple and easy that your brain tells you "Seriously. This is never gonna do anything." Yep - that is what I want you to start with. : ) 


And what next?

One messy microchange at a time.  If you need help with knowing where to start, what will give you the “most bang for the buck”, what to do next…that is what we are here for!

Do you need to be perfect at it?  Nope. I’m not. Nobody is.

Do I "break" my resolutions? Sometimes.  Everybody does.

Do I care? Not on a day when I am managing my mind well. Because I know that progress is much more important than perfection.

That might be cliché at this point, but I am still here for it. 

And I hope you will be too! Cheers to 2023!

Happy New Year!

What an interesting year 2021 was… I don’t know about you, but I am very excited about this new year.

Some people are unapologetic about putting up their trees before Thanksgiving. I am unapologetic about geeking out about the New Year.  I am always excited for the new year.  I am always putting old habits to bed and setting big goals.  I am an affirmation writing, vision boarding, goal setting New Year New You kinda girl.

BUT - keep in mind those goals are Whole Health goals.  There’s so much talk of the two ends of a spectrum.  Is it true that you’re either over-pushing and grinding OR too lackadaisical and never gonna make progress?  Nope. It is indeed not true.

It’s not all about hustle and grind. It’s also fun, pleasure, rest, connection, learning, slowness.  

What if your goals were well-rounded? What if they came from a place of self-love and courage and support and alignment and abundance? Yes please!

And all that said, am I perfect at it?  Nope.

Do I "break" my resolutions. Sometimes.

Do I care?  Not on a day when I am managing my mind well. Because I know that progress is much more important than perfection.

That might be cliché at this point, but I am still here for it. 

And I hope you will be too!

In addition to goals, I usually have a “word of the year.” I use it as a guidepost.

For 2020, my word was courage.

For 2021, my word was limitless.

For 2022, I am going with pleasure!

It has a really deep meaning, despite making me giggle a bit.  Pleasure doesn’t mean all orneriness - it's "satisfaction and enjoyment.'' In everything we do, can we find a bit of pleasure? Can we have a base of pleasure when we work out?  I say yes. Can we have a base of pleasure when we eat healthy food?  I say yep.  Can we have a base of pleasure when we serve others in our work?  You guessed it.  Even in hard times, can we see a sliver of pleasure?  I bet so.  

And pleasure isn't all fun and games actually. Giving yourself permission to experience it can be hard.  So I've heard already. From the proverbial friend.  Stay tuned for more lessons in pleasure. You can learn along with me. : )

Cheers to 2022!